About us
Supporting RI saltwater fishing
The Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association is a nonprofit organization, created to provide a forum for recreational saltwater anglers; to provide education to members and the public concerning fishing techniques, improved catches, and overall enjoyment of fishing; to foster sportsmanship; to support marine conservation and sound management of fisheries resources; and provide a unified voice to preserve and protect the rights, traditions and the future of recreational fishing in Rhode Island.

RISAA Leadership
The association’s day-to-day operations are managed by our executive director, Scott Travers. The board is led by Dawn Filliatreault Wood assisted by Capt. Richard Hittinger. Many additional volunteers enable our organization to operate effectively – please visit the about us page for a full list.

Scott Travers
Executive Director
Scott joined RISAA as our executive director in June of 2023. He is a graduate of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy and Salve Regina University with experience with the RI Division of Fish and Wildlife Aquatic Education Program expanding recreational fishing opportunities. He is a fly tying Instructor, and avid fly angler.

Dawn Filliatreault Wood
Dawn has been a RISAA member for 14 years and is now serving her fourth year on the board and first year as the President. She serves as Chair of the Education Committee, Chair of the Membership/Welcome Committee and is a member of the Legislative, and New England Saltwater Fishing Show committees.

Capt. Richard Hittinger
1st Vice President
Rich is now in his 15th year as an officer. He is chairman of the RISAA Legislative and Artificial Reefs Committees. He also serves on the Political Action Committee and Youth Fishing Camp committee. Rich represents RISAA on several state fisheries and environmental groups.
Member Benefits – Fluke
Interested in Fluke fishing in Rhode Island? Here are some of the great benefits we offer our members this year to help them take advantage of this fishery.

To get ready for the start of the season, we had a special seminar with Capt. BJ Harris an how to catch massive doormats. This seminar was recorded is available for all members to view, review and take notes at any time.

Discounted Charter Trips
This years special fluke trip will be held July 17th, on the 105 ft long Lady Frances of the Frances fleet out of Pt. Judith. As part of our special offer for members, we offered this trip at a nearly 1/2 price discount with tip included, and the trip filled to capacity in only 5 days.

Special Touranaments
Team fluke is one of our most popular annual tournaments. Teams of two members each are competing this July 1-10 for the best-four fish combined weight. In addition, fame and glory is available for the top 3 biggest fluke caught in our season-long tournament.