2024 Striped Bass Tournament

This content is for members. If you are a member, please login

Tournament starts Friday August 30th at 6:am and ends Sunday September 15th at 6:pm. This is a singles only event with no pre registration required. Members may use their own tape measures or bump boards.

Members may fish from shore or boat with the top prize going to the angler with the most total inches for His/Hers longest two entries. In case of a tie member who enters their catch first wins. Prizes will be awarded in the form of a voucher to member’s favorite RISAA affiliated bait and tackle shop.Prizes 1st place $100. 2nd place $75. 3rd place $50. 4th place $30. 5th place $20.

All entries must include a picture of the fish with a measuring device. All fish must be entered by Midnight Sunday September 15th. See the April/May newsletter for a great article written by Tommy Cody titled RETURN ‘EM RIGHT. It has many tips to increase the survival rate of released fish.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
A picture of your catch with the measurement device clearly visible and legible and properly aligned for a fork to nose measurement.